Many pelvic floor issues can be treated.

Let us help you overcome them, so you can do whatever you want...whenever you want

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your care. our passion.

The pelvic floor is an awesome muscle in a part of the body most of us would rather not think about too much (we just want it to work properly!), but it grants us dignity, self-esteem and pleasure.

Problems that involve the pelvic floor are often embarrassing and difficult to talk about. Poor awareness about pelvic floor dysfunction and a belief that there is no hope of improvement has caused many to suffer in silence. The good news is:  There is help and many conditions can be treated!

Pelvic floor disorders may include sexual pain and dysfunction, incontinence issues, organ prolapse and pelvic pain. It is widely thought that simply instructing a patient to do kegels is adequate to deal with these issues.  This is not true, and there are many problems with this approach.

Firstly, most people who have a pelvic floor disorder find it very hard to activate the pelvic floor muscles in the right way. Without proper instruction you are likely to contract every other muscle in the pelvic area, but not the pelvic floor.

Secondly, a pelvic floor contraction that is not strong enough or in the right direction is not functional. That means it won’t change your symptoms.

Thirdly, if your pelvic floor is already overly activated you are likely to make yourself worse. This type of pelvic floor disorder requires learning to let go of the pelvic floor.

It is very important to establish whether the symptoms are related to TOO MUCH contraction or TOO LITTLE contraction of the pelvic floor. The treatment plan will differ significantly in each instance.

We are fortunate to be actively involved in the Durbanville Pelvic Floor Unit and the My Sexual Health Team. Together with the expertise of a surgeon, urologist, gynecologist, dietician, psychologist, sexologists and technicians, we meet monthly to discuss difficult cases and try to find the best treatment solution for each client.  

Help us spread the word that you are not alone and that help is available!


How do I know if I have a problem?

Pelvic disorders
  • + Bladder and bowel symptoms

    • Do you need to urinate more than 8 times per day or get up more than once a night?

      Do you experience some urine leakage with coughing, sneezing, laughing, running or jumping?

      Do you experience a terrible sense of urgency when you need to go? Does your bladder sometimes empty itself spontaneously?

      Do you struggle with constipation or incomplete voiding of the bowels?

      Do you experience soiling of your underwear? 

    • Problems with the bowels and bladder are often embarrassing and socially awkward issues.  With the correct assessment and treatment plan, these issues can be managed well.

  • + Symptoms of sexual dysfunction

    • Does sex hurt? 

      Is sex often unsatisfying?

      Do you sometimes avoid sex because of discomfort or pain?

      Do you have difficulty inserting a tampon?

      Do you have discomfort after intercourse?

      Do you feel anxious at the thought of penetration?

    • Treatment options for sexual dysfunction is a growing field in SA.  Many women suffer in silence and do not seek help.

    • Our dream is a to create awareness about these issues and empower women through knowledge. Let us provide support, therapy, referral and treatment on your way.

  • + Other symptoms of pelvic dysfunction

    • Do you still experience pain at the episiotomy site 6 weeks after giving birth?

      Do you suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or pelvic floor?

      Do you struggle to sit comfortably due to pain at the coccyx?

      Do you suffer from pain of the back or pelvis during your pregnancy?

      Do you suffer from a heavy, dragging sensation in your pelvis?

    • These symptoms could be the result of injuries sustained while being pregnant, giving birth or due to increased demands placed on the pelvis in sport, work or daily life.  It is a common phenomenon among females since any disturbance in the spine or pelvic balance can lead to various altered movement strategies, muscle dysfunction and pain

    • We are experienced orthopaedic therapists with an interest in female pelvic health.  Let us help you to restore your pelvic balance.

Join us at Helen Henning Physiotherapy and find out why the quality of our service is unique. Get in touch and learn how we can help you today.

We do not specialise in men’s health or trans and gender diverse services, but will gladly refer you to a colleague with a special interest in men’s pelvic health or gender affirming care.