What to expect at your first pelvic appointment


 Many patients are fearful and not certain what to expect at their first pelvic therapy appointment. We would like to assure you that we are sensitive to this. We are committed to providing you with exceptional care in a compassionate and friendly atmosphere. We always work within the limits set by the patient – you should always feel comfortable and in control.
The initial assessment consists of taking a careful history, posture/movement and breathing assessments. We cover a lot of educational information and provide patient feedback and instruction as necessary.  Most often we do not proceed to an internal evaluation of the pelvic floor muscle at this time.
However, the only way to get a really good idea of what is happening in your pelvic floor muscle - whether it is too active or underactive - is by doing a digital vaginal exam. This actually sounds more scary than it really is. We promise! During the internal exam one finger is gently inserted into the vagina – no instruments are used. This is the only way to feel what is happening in the muscle during contraction and relaxation. This kind of comprehensive muscle evaluation is crucial to establish the best treatment plan.
If you struggle with vaginismus or another condition that makes penetration difficult or painful - don’t be worried. We will work slowly and gradually introduce this part of the therapy.  

Please remember,  we progress at your pace and make sure you are in control at all times.